

Never Pay It Back! The Secrets to Eliminate Credit Card Debt and Legally Never Pay it Back


We often tend to use credit cards to make unaffordable purchases and then run into debt for not being able to repay it on time. What if you never pay it back and still get saved from a bad credit history? Did that sound unbelievable? Well, it can actually happen if you know how to do it. You must be wondering if that would involve legality issues! Well, the secret is that eliminating credit card...

Debt Relief – How the Obama Administration is Helping People Get Out of Debt


Debt relief is something that just about every American desires yet many people are unaware of all of the help that is currently out there to help people get out of debt. Obama’s financial stimulus packages has given creditors of unsecured debt much more flexibility for negotiating debt settlements. This stimulus money is used to mitigate the financial losses that major creditors of...

Personal Debt Relief – How Federal Stimulus Dollars Make Debt Settlements Attractive


With the recent downturn in the economy, most of us have ended up with mounting personal debt and waning salaries. This can make your financial plans seem even harder than previously. Never fear, the federal government has developed a plan to aid us in personal debt relief. This plan has been developed to work with creditors and debtors to ease the financial burden that recessions natural incur...

Debt Settlements – Should I Negotiate by Myself Or Hire a Debt Settlement Company?


It is natural to have second thoughts about employing a debt settlement company to take care of the crushing burden of your debts once you find out what the process involves. All one has to do is walk into the creditor’s office and request the authorized person to accept a lower amount as full and final settlement of the debt. Right? Wrong! The recession and the bankruptcies have shaken the...

Debt Relief – How to Get Rid of Credit Card Debt With a Settlement


Is it possible to get rid of your credit card dues without actually repaying the same in full? The recession and the economic downturn have led to a rapid increase in unemployment and inflation. Those who were earning hefty salaries are now being forced to work for a pittance. Those who used to earn normal amounts have simply been fired. The increase in prices of essential goods and services has...

Debt Settlement Options – How to Legally Eliminate 70% of Your Unsecured Debts


If illegal options for settlement of debt are to be considered, there is no need to restrict your self at sixty or seventy percentage of the amount owed. You can simply ignore the entire amount by not repaying even a single cent. However, such a move will have long term consequences on your credibility, financial stability and even your personal freedom. If you want to legally settle your debt...

Debt Settlements – How to Qualify For the Top Rated Debt Settlement Programs


It is one thing to find the best settlement programs on the World Wide Web. However, it is a completely different thing to qualify for the same. Why is qualification important? Is it not of a matter of choice? Had that been the case, each and every individual would have come up with different reasons why he or she qualifies for settlement of debt. Had that been the case, lenders would not have...

Legitimate Debt Help – Where to Find Legitimate Debt Help Online


If the claims made on the World Wide Web are to be believed, then each and every company offering debt assistance is the best company around. All companies possess secret negotiation techniques and knowledge of secret loopholes in your agreements with unsecured lenders which will help bring down your debts to zero in record time. All this will be offered at extremely low charges. The claims made...

Debt Settlement – How to Capitalize on a Bad Economy and Get a Debt Settlement


We all have been taught that a recession is bad for the economy. Common sense tells us that we should be very conservative in our approach when the economy is in a bad shape. However, you stand to gain the most by being innovative when the economy is in a bad shape. Nine out of ten persons will not mind skipping repayment of their debt as long as it helps them retain extra cash in their hands...

Get Out of Credit Card Debt – How Obama Makes it Easier to Get Out of Debt


The Report on “The Next Phase of Government Financial Stabilization and Rehabilitation Policies” released in September 2009 clearly states that the Obama administration places special emphasis on stability in the financial sector. This has made it easier for individuals and small businesses to get out of credit card debt. How? Read ahead and find out more. Given a choice between a...