100+ Authors Giving Away Books, EBooks and an Ebook Reader In Their Spring Fling


On the Books We Love Webpage the Spring Fling Contest is in Full Swing.

USA, April 20, 2009 — The authors get together every spring and give away dozens of their newly released and favorite books. Meet the authors here: http://www.bookswelove.net

The Spring Fling is an event to introduce new readers to all of the Books We Love small press published authors. The odds of winning are fantastic, and the books have become reading favorites to thousands of regular Books We Love visitors. All you have to do to win is sign in to one or more of the participating authors, and if you’re a weekly winner you’ll automatically be included in drawing for the eBookwise Reader.

The eBook Reader winner will be drawn from the list of weekly winners, so if you were planning to wait until the last weeks to enter, you might want to reconsider. We are giving away dozens of autographed paperbacks and ebooks from our favorite Books We Love authors. For a full listing of all the authors in the Books We Love network, visit the Author Index pages http://www.authorswelove.com.

We’ll be drawing paperbacks displayed on the contest page weekly from now until the end of our contest. Plus, ebook winners can choose any ebook from any Books We Love authors . To find winners our contest committee will be visiting the guest books regularly to gather the signatures into drawing folders, one signature per guest book entry.

Entry Details are http://www.bookswelove.net/springcontests.html

The Weekly winners of autographed paperbacks and ebooks will be posted here: WINNERS PAGE http://www.bookswelove.net/winners.html

Books We Love Owner
Judith Pittman
w/a Jude Atkins
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Judith Pittman
Books We Love
[email protected]

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By saravanan2