4 Easy Steps to Create Computer Logo Images for Your Computer Company


Images and symbols make a logo design attractive. Viewers also find it easier to relate to the brand and easily memorize it if their business mark consists of an image or symbol.

So how should you choose computer logo images or symbols for your computer business to make it more appealing to the customers?

Well, the first thing you can go is forget about using pictures of computers or laptops for your brand mark.

Not only are they boring and cliché but they also show that you lack imagination and creativity as a company which will not set an appealing impression on your customers.

After that here is a step by step process that you can follow to create your own technical emblem for your corporation.

1. Look around you for inspiration:

It isn’t necessary to use computer images for your trademark only because your business nature is technological. Have you seen the apple logo? They make technical products but their monogram still consists of a fruit. This has created an easy relativity to the company and has made their emblem easy to remember.

So to come up with an image to represent you, answer the following questions so you can come up with unique ideas for your brand mark.

a. What features sets your product apart from the rest? Can it be illustrated like an arrow or a blur to represent ‘going forward’ and ‘speed’?

b. Is there any animal or mythical creature that can relate to your company values?

(Mythical creatures give an imaginative touch to the symbol and are perfect to be represented for all types of businesses)

c. Do you live in a unique environment or location that can be used as an inspiration?

Make a list of all such image ideas and use the one you think is the best.

2. Draw images on a piece of paper:

Now take a piece of paper and illustrate that image. This is an important step as the image may seem different in your mind but will look completely different once it has been drawn on a paper.

3. Use a good graphics software and draw image there:

Another use of the paper drawn image is that it is easier to illustrate it on the computer once you have it in front of you. There are many good types of software available which you can use to create your monogram.

4. Give the image appropriate effects and colors:

An emblem may look good in black and white but it is the bright colors that make it attractive to the customers. Have you seen the next computer logo? The design may be simple and black but it is the colors that make it bright and unique. So add colors and effects to your symbol to make it attractive.

Now your emblem is ready to go to the printers and adorn posters and billboards.

About the author

By tammybecker82