6 Unusual Tips to relieve you from Ancient History Dissertation Stress!


Postponing your ancient history dissertation is not a very good option. But what if you know how to deal with the writing stress?

Have you been putting off your thesis for some reason?
May be because you can not concentrate, or the long hours of study bore and irritate you?

So, here is what you should do
Tips for relieving you from the writing stress:

1.Avoid stress by planning your tasks:

You need to carefully plan out your tasks. Assess how much time you are left with. Then make a list of all the tasks that are to be performed and the time that will be required to perform each task.

2.Choose a topic of your interest:

This is by far the most important point to remember. Choose a topic that is of your interest. Only then you will be able to bear with the hardship of the task till the end. If the topic is not of your interest, sooner or later you are going to get bored of it.

3.Do not mug up:

Do not sit in front of your books for late hours. Take mini breaks in between. Make a schedule of studying and follow that task. Take small breaks, like for a half an hour or so, and go watch television, or make yourself something to eat, or go and have a stroll in the park. It has been proved by psychological research that if you keep on mugging up the course, you are more likely to forget it sooner. So do it in sessions that you have planned a hand before.

4.Beauty sleep and eating:

Sleeping is the most important determiner of your stress level. Some students stay up all night and do their research work, sitting in front of the computer, browsing websites or reading books, making notes, and what not. But they do not know that they are mistreating themselves. This staying awake clogs their mind and understanding, as a result of which the student becomes irritated of the subject and the task itself.

Do not skip your meals either. Eat properly and on time. Keep your mind theses free while eating and think happy and relaxing thoughts.


In my view, yoga is by far the greatest stress reliever there is. Take out fifteen minutes from your schedule and keep them aside for your yoga. Practicing yoga will drain out all the stress and tension from your body and mind, making your concentration even sharper. It will also relieve you from body stiffness and back-ache that you usually get due to lengthy sitting sessions.

Do not stress out. There are ways of relieving unwanted stress. Plan your history dissertations, choose an interesting topic, sleep well, and practice yoga. You will come up with excellent results in your paper. Only when your mind is active and healthy, you will be able to perform better.

About the author

By donnasantos76