Accents do have an impact on international SEO


Don’t dismiss accents as unimportant when implementing international campaigns – that is the latest advice from multilingual web marketing agency WebCertain.

Different languages use accents and special characters to varying degrees, and there is much debate over whether the inclusion or exclusion of these has any impact in the search results displayed. However, simple analysis of search results using Google’s keyword tool shows that omission of an accent can lead to entirely different set of search results being returned.

By simply assuming that search engines don’t distinguish between the use of accents, many international search marketers are missing valuable opportunities. Writing for SearchEngineWatch Andy Atkins-Krüger of WebCertain explains, “Finding out the search volumes and also number of searches for the different variants of a word can give great insight into which terms are the most profitable to target. Often incorrect spellings have significant search volumes but are relatively uncompetitive when it comes to both paid and organic search”.

The issue of accents doesn’t appear much in English and therefore many marketers fail to consider its relevance in other languages. It is issues such as this which can render international SEO campaigns a minefield for marketers and prevent them for getting the most out of their activities.

The International Search Summit, which will be held in London on 19th November will be addressing a range of issues which are relevant and specific to multilingual search marketing and advising marketers on the best techniques for effective online global marketing.

Speakers include global search experts Bill Hunt, Shari Thurow, Bas van den Beld and Dixon Jones and topics range from advanced link analysis to international online pr techniques to international usability.

Tickets are available at the early bird price of £250 until 16th October. Included in the ticket price are 3 leading search marketing texts Search Engine Marketing, Inc. by Bill Hunt, When Search Meets Web Usability by Shari Thurow and YouTube and Video Marketing by Greg Jarboe.

Get more details and reserve your place at

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By NewsCertain