Acer Goes Smart by Releasing Full Portfolio of Smartphone to the MENA Region


Equipped with MOBiDIV’s ArabWare, the Regional Smartphone Ware

Acer is releasing a portfolio of regionalized Smartphones to the MENA region equipped with ArabWare software – “the new definition of the regional Smartphone ware” as claimed by MOBiDIV. This panel of smart handheld devices targets the various mobile usage preferences and consumer attitudes.

Arabware is a conceptual variation in Smartphone software standards to revolutionize the regional mobile users with Smartphone regionalization concept. The recently announced launch enables Acer to maximize regional positioning and provide end users with significant value by getting their devices equipped by ArabWare; the step that will significantly support Acer’s regional mobile sales.

Arabware addresses the regional consumers’ language and culture with newly added packs of software taking the localization to a completely new dimension for regional Smartphone users, enabling them to interact with online mobility in their native language represented in online localized services, applications’ stores and integrated with their everyday lifestyle. Furthermore, the localization offered is not just a linguistic translation; it is a new intelligent understanding of consumers regional aspects, taking regionalization to an unprecedented intelligent level of usage through innovative smart regional features.

Arabware will not only fulfill mobile users’ religious rituals’ needs through fully comprehensive suite of Islamic applications; but also will reside on a new cultural domain driven from consumers variant lifestyles and keep them connected to their community and social networks. Mobile users will be able to experience Smartphone functionalities localized with no barrier in a truly native bilingual orientation enabling a different level of user-friendly experience in the consumer’s native language.

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By citglobal