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Achiever McBeaver Character Education Supports President Obama’s 2020 Vision

President Obama has expressed in several speeches before Congress the urgency for America to once again become a dominant world leader in the field of education. As part of his plan for economic reform and recovery, President Obama views higher college graduation rates and the development of a college trained workforce as critical to our nation’s overall health, growth, and future success. ( The President’s “College for All” pledge points out the need for higher college graduation rates among high school students and seeks the goal of every American having pursued some sort of advanced training beyond high school (including trade and vocational school, junior, and community colleges) by the year 2020.

President Obama’s goal of leading the world with the highest percent of college graduates by the year 2020 might be a bit lofty … but it is 100% obtainable if we start promoting college to kids at the elementary school level NOW! No matter the external barrier for the young child – whether it is social, financial, or cultural – our K-6 students must grow up believing that some form of college is necessary, valuable, expected of them, and reachable both academically and financially. Too many kids just go to school because we adults simply ‘make’ them go … but our young and highly impressionable children must begin going to school because they ‘WANT’ to go. We must change the way kids see school, education, its personal relevance, and the future. At each and every socioeconomic level, our nation’s children must be encouraged to dream of college, careers, and the future work world. In response to that need and to help kids dream, the Achiever McBeaver and the College Crew Character Education program puts a very large focus on helping kids value the idea of attending college.

President Obama is exactly right! Our nation must again grab hold of our education system in order to have the highest percent of college graduates in the world. But every great idea needs a strong marketing campaign … and Achiever McBeaver with his wacky college friends will be right there to lend the President a hand!

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