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Acne Treatment Expert Reveals the Good and Bad Types of Acne Treatments

November 18, 2010 – No newcomer to acne, Chloe Reid spent much of her adolescence fighting her troublesome acne and then later on the scarring that had occurred as a result of misguided and inappropriate treatments. She finally won her battle after several years and is now helping others avoid going through the same pain and trouble that she did.

According to Ms. Reid “many people seem to be blissfully unaware that popping your pimple will not be a successful acne treatment in the short run or in the long run. Unfortunately, what happens is that 95% of the time the pimple is popped prematurely which causes excessive redness and swelling and in some instanced scarring.”

However, as bad as prematurely popping the pimple is, there are even more horrible “treatments” that she has seen. “Watching some people scratching their acne, constantly touching it time after time or simply putting some rubbing alcohol on it that’s been in their cupboards for however long definitely comes under the bad and horrible category.”

When asked to provide a brief explanation of acceptable acne treatments Ms. Reid began by explaining what the majority of acne treatment products really are. “The majority of acne treatments vary from being off the shelf, over-the-counter creams, prescribed and/or surgical. Over the counter acne products are usually topical medicines that contain Benzyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. These are usually used to treat mild cases of acne where an individual is attempting to halt the progression of acne and clear up some troublesome pimples.”

“They can also be used during severe stages of acne in combination with another treatment. Dermatologists will usually recommend that the acne infected area be washed very gently with warm water, mild soap and then the topical acne treatment. When acne progresses to the moderate or severe stage, dermatologists will usually use a combination of treatments in order for maximum effectiveness in halting any further development of the skin disease.”

For those wandering what the best acne treatment according to Ms. Reid is she sums it up in two words “research and prevention.” “The best acne treatment is preventing acne from occurring in the first place by avoiding the mistakes that we have already discussed which many people make. The second is research. Once you get acne, it is imperative that you get rid of it as soon as possible and as effectively as possible. This is where research is the key. Try to find acne treatment products with good customer feedback and high overall reviews. If you have sensitive skin then obviously you would need to take that into account when looking for a treatment product.

Contact Details:

Advanced Acne Treatments
403 Kensington Road
Phone: +61433187275

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