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Aeroessentials Now has NIOSH Approved N95 Masks for Travelers to Prevent Exposure to Virus and Germs!

Millions of Americans are exposed to harmful germs, virus and bacteria, daily. Travelers often complain about the conditions in which they fly and many get sick when they travel.

Naples, FL, August 24, 2009 — Millions of Americans are exposed to harmful germs, virus and bacteria, daily. Travelers often complain about the conditions in which they fly and many get sick when they travel. Travelers spread FLU’S and other viruses to their family, co workers, and friends. This year, over 94,512 people around the world have been infected with swine flu, and there have been over 500 deaths in 122 countries… WHO / CDC
AeroessentialsAero_WINK.gif (11.37 KB) has the Dr. recommended solution. Wear a Face Mask and clean your hands frequently with wet wipes.

The amount of human international traffic that utilizes our US airports is staggering. Atlanta International among the busiest services over 43 million passengers a year which average is over 119,000 travelers per day. SW. Fl International services 3.9 million a year, averaging 10,000 people per day. Airlines for the most part do an amazing job providing clean, comfortable, affordable transportation considering the amount of people they are servicing every day.

No airline can effectively sanitize a cabin and search for trash in seat back pockets and tray tables passengers leave behind between flights. Thousands of travelers leave behind sneezed on tissues, food leftovers even dirty diapers, and those are the travelers that make air travel unhealthy. If an airline crew had to wipe down every tray table, vacuum every seat, sterilize every belt buckle and arm rest, this would cause even more flight delays and the average ticket price would likely double. We all know that would be unacceptable. Using Aeroessentials NIOSH approved, CDC recommended products will help the airlines and passengers Jet Healthy.

“Many people believe that coughs and colds are so infectious that there is really no stopping them, however hard we try,” says Benjamin Cowling, Ph.D., the lead author of the study published this week in Annals of Internal Medicine. “Our results suggest that is not the case, and, in fact, transmission can be effectively stopped with just some simple precautions. In tandem with hand-washing, face masks seem to work better than hand-washing alone.”

AEROESSENTIALS products can significantly reduce traveler’s exposure to virus and germs when traveling. Look for our products in airports and retail stores around the world. Visit for a tour of our website.
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Contact :
Bill Wingate
2335 9th St N Ste 407
Naples, FL 34103
239-263-9915 Ext 301

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