CondomElite launches worldwide expose on Condom efficacy


CondomElite is an online plaza of all varieties of condoms available in the global market. The site offers safe condom shopping from the privacy of one’s home and is discreet with personal details of customers. Moreover the company’s huge selection of distinctive and innovative condom products promises to make online shopping for condoms a simple, quick and hassle free exercise.

The permissiveness of Western Culture not withstanding, the company has designs to remove the embarrassment factor from practicing safe sex. In keeping with the need of the times, theirs is a very vocal campaign that wants their site to scream, ‘Safe Sex’. In the words of Jack Lynch, the CEO, ‘Our company mantra is to deliver superior products to the online public at the cheapest prices with fast, discreet shipping’.

With the increasing vulnerability of at-risk populations to the HIV menace, the role of condoms in preventing the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases has been highlighted more than ever before. This coupled with the as-old-as-time advantage of condoms in preventing unwanted pregnancies, makes the use of condoms as imperative as the air we breathe.

Although CondomElite has a fairly recent web presence, their campaign is driven by their awareness of their social responsibility and their penchant for participating in Safe-Sex social programs. Recognition of the high priority of safe sex worldwide and knowledge of the use of the right condom in the right manner is earmarked as CondomElite’s special agenda. Activism in the areas of education about prevention of disease and unwanted pregnancy is given due importance in their business plan as well as their on-field plan of action.


CondomElite is a virtual online mall that offers the most innovative and finest condom selection and sexual products for your comfort, pleasure, sexual health and safety at the Lowest Prices! With a friendly return policy and promise of great quality, thoughtful discretion, speedy service and competitive pricing, CondomElite promises to make each sexual experience an unforgettable one on all counts.


Jack Lynch-President
Elite Marketing Concepts
13 Summit square Center #126
Langhorne, PA 19047-1098
email: [email protected]

About the author

By lizziloraine