AlarmForce Announces “5 for $500” Referral Program for Existing Customers


AlarmForce Inc has recently announced the launch of an attractive incentive scheme “5 for $500 Referral Program” among its existing customers. This incentive scheme, specifically aimed to reward any customer who brings in 5 or more new clients to AlarmForce. The scheme is also proposed with a view to thank each and every one of its customers who were instrumental in making AlarmForce the most trusted name in home security.

Mr. Joel Matlin, CEO& President, launched the “5 for $ 500 Referral Program” to coincide with Alarm Force’s 20th anniversary celebrations. The Program started on May 19th 2008 and will extend up to June 1st 2009. During this period, AlarmForce would pay $500 to any existing customer who gets five friends or family members to sign up for a home security system from AlarmForce. . In addition, the subscriber will continue to receive $ 25 referral reward for each individual referral.

The program is open to all existing AlarmForce subscribers as well as to any new subscriber who signs up during the promotion scheme period. The five referrals must be given during the course of the promotion. The incentive for the referral will be disbursed after the third month of payment for the new customer. The new client should clearly state the name of the existing subscriber at whose instigation he signed up. Also only one referral name can be given per new account.

AlarmCare referrals, however, do not count towards this promotional scheme.

About AlarmForce

AlarmForce Inc. is a security alarm system major, engaged in the manufacture, installation and monitoring of advanced security systems in Canada and USA. The company was founded in 1988 with its headquarters in Toronto. AlarmForce is the biggest manufacturer of advanced security systems in Canada with a North American subscriber base of over 150,000. AlarmForce is a public limited company and is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and is known under the trading symbol AF. AlarmForce is a name that has become synonymous with manufacture of high end security alarm systems in Canada and USA.

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By alarmforce