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Anorexia and Bulimia Treatment in Missouri

Our cultural and societal standards of perfection and extreme over functioning can cause many young girls to feel they do not measure up. In adolescence, individuals begin to associate body shape with self esteem and may feel inferior if they cannot look like their favorite actor or model. While their body is growing and changing, emotions and hormones are also creating internal imbalances. Without loving support and guidance about healthy eating habits and healthy self and body image many young adults turn to extreme measures to feel in control of their bodies and thus their lives.

Eating Disorders Require Emergency Attention

Eating disorders need to be diagnosed quickly and adequately treated in a specialized treatment center. There are several centers involved in anorexia and bulimia treatment in Missouri. These centers offer intensive outpatient, day and residential treatment programs depending on the severity of the eating disorder. The treatment focuses on building a collaborative relationship among the affected person, the nutritionist, the psychologist and other physicians. The treatment involves physical and psychological intervention in a compassionate environment.

Very often these eating disorders are a result of underlying psychological issues such as a low self esteem, perfectionism, co-morbid psychiatric disorders such as depression or anxiety, unresolved trauma or problematic family dynamics. These various reasons are identified and treated adequately by experienced therapists. The obsession with body image is also explored and clients are taught how to accept their body and feel comfortable in their own skin.

An Experienced Practitioner Can Help You

Castlewood Treatment Center for Eating Disorders is a specialized center which provides serene surroundings along with specialized care. The beautiful settings and the facilities available make it a very healing place for anorexia and bulimia treatment in Missouri. Visit the website and take a video tour.

Castlewood Treatment Center
800 Holland Rd., St. Louis,
Missouri 63021
Tel: 888-822-8938

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