April is National Poetry Month – ThoughtOffice Muse Gives Poets a Powerful Writer’s Resource


As America celebrates its poets during National Poetry Month, ThoughtOffice Corporation offers its creative writing software, ThoughtOffice Muse, at a discount to all writers, poets, and other wordsmiths.

Portland, OR, April 02, 2010 — America celebrates its poets this April, with National Poetry Month. Libraries, schools, literary organizations, and authors will come together in this month to acknowledge the essential place of poetry in American culture. In an effort to help support the tradition of poetry in America, one maker of creative writing software is offering a special sale price on its program, ThoughtOffice Muse.

“Recognizing that times are tight, and it’s usually even tighter for struggling poets and writers, we’ve decided that National Poetry Month would be a good opportunity to offer our creative writing program, ThoughtOffice Muse, at a special price,” said David Lockman, Product Specialist for ThoughtOffice Corporation ( http://www.ThoughtRod.com/ ). “This discount is valid for all our customers, all during the month of April.”

Creative writers often rely upon tools to open up their imaginations to new possibilities. Sometimes these can be as simple as a long walk in nature, a quick look at the thesaurus, or as high-tech as computer software specifically tailored for writing.

ThoughtOffice Muse is one such program, and is currently being used by successful writers all over the world. To celebrate National Poetry Month, ( http://www.poets.org/page.php/prmID/41 ) ThoughtOffice Corporation is offering its creative writing software at a 25% discount.

“We’ve had really positive responses from writers and poets,” says Lockman. “Once they begin using the program, and the integrated tools, they get very excited about the possibilities. The combination of expert-level guidance and idea generating capabilities has turned out to be a very powerful addition to their tool sets.”

This creative writing software, ThoughtOffice Muse, normally retails for $127, but during National Poetry Month (April 2010), it will be discounted to only $95. (More information can be found on the company’s web site – http://thoughtrod.com/markets/creatives/ ). The program features a plugin module that guides users through the process of creative writing, and a second module which helps users prepare public presentations of their finished work. A third module, called eXpertEvaluator, shows writers how they can examine and evaluate any concept, situation, or idea.

Academic users and students should contact the company at [email protected] to ask about an academic discount on ThoughtOffice Muse, and all ThoughtOffice products.

“ThoughtOffice Muse has really been a boon to our customers who want help with their writing projects,” says Lockman. “Writers who use the software tell us that their productivity is greatly improved, as well as the quality of their prose. We’re very gratified to be a part of the creative process, and delighted to be able to support writers, poets and National Poetry Month in this way.”

About ThoughtOffice:
ThoughtOffice Corporation is a Washington based technology firm focused on innovation and business process development. Since 1986, the company founders have successfully founded and sold nearly a dozen companies, from advertising to laser display technology, software to internet e-commerce. The development team interviewed over 800 business and innovation leaders, and apprenticed with Marsh Fisher, co-founder of Century 21 Real Estate and founder of IdeaFisher, one of the first and most popular brainstorming software programs. The final solution, ThoughtOffice, takes brainstorming and innovation out of the lab and makes it practical for daily use for business process development, advertising creatives, coaches and CEOs. ThoughtOffice Corporation can be reached at 360-450-6888, by e-mail at [email protected] or http://www.ThoughtRod.com
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David Lockman
ThoughtOffice Corporation
9734 Lincoln Lane
Blaine, WA 98230
[email protected]


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