Area Residents Listen to the Dryer Vent Cleaning Branford Wizard


Average American homeowners spend nearly $2,000 a year on energy costs. Poorly vented clothes dryers can add another $300 each year

The Dryer Vent Cleaning Branford Wizard offers great incentive to encourage residents to have their dryer vent cleaned. Of course, dryer vent cleaning is the number one way to prevent dryer fires, which should be incentive enough. Clothes dryers are the most likely appliance to cause a fire and the most expensive to operate when poorly maintained.
According to the Wizard, dryer vent cleaning can save resident up to $300 per year in energy expenses. Clogged dryer vents or improperly installed dryer vent systems cause dryers to use substantially more energy. With the average homeowner spending $2,000 per year on utilities, another $300 makes a big difference.
Don Brusseau, owner of Dryer Vent Wizard is on a mission to educate consumers on dryer fire safety and energy savings. Home owners who think its normal for their dryer to take more than one cycle to dry clothes are wasting energy and they are in danger of starting dryer fire. Don Brusseau advises his customers that lint accumulation in dryer vent systems causes a dryer over heat and over work, leading to a fire hazard and substantially higher utility bills.
The Dryer Vent Cleaning BranfordWizard says dryer vent systems be cleaned annually and installed properly so they meet city, state and manufacturer codes. Plastic or foil vents need to be replaced with solid metal venting. Lint traps should be cleaned after EVERY load of laundry and lint screens should be washed with soap and water every few months to remove residue left behind by fabric softeners.
If clothes take more than one cycle to dry or there is no visible lint on the dryer screen, chances are likely that lint has built up in the dryer ducts. This is a good indication that dryer vent cleaning is necessary to speed up drying time and extend the life of your clothes dryer.
Dryer Vent Wizard is the nation’s leading dryer vent cleaning, repair and installation company with nearly 60 franchise locations in the U.S. Visit to learn more.

Don Brusseau
Local 860-861-7577 or Toll Free 1-866-498-7233
[email protected]
Licenses / Credentials:
• CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician – C-DET #489
• Home Improvement Contractor Registration # HIC 0627211

This press release was submitted by Right Now Marketing Group, LLC

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By donbrusseaudvw