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Asacol – A Sure and Safe Way to Treat Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a condition where the colon of the large intestine is inflamed. This inflammatory disorder presents with diarrhea mixed with mucus and blood. The onset is slow and gradually progresses. On PR (per rectum) examination the physician can find traces of blood. The patient also looses weight, and depending on the severity, abdominal pain and cramps are also complained of. Etiology of ulcerative colitis is not known, though it is said to have genetic reason, and is considered as an autoimmune disease.

Asacol is one of the most widely used medicines to treat ulcerative colitis, proctitis, and proctosigmoiditis. The drug component of Asacol is Mesalamine. Mesalamine has anti inflammatory action and helps reducing the diarrhea, stomach pain and the rectal bleeding.

Asacol is an oral drug and can be taken with or without food. Usually this medicine is prescribed thrice a day in dosage depending upon individual intensity. Asacol should be swallowed with a glass full of water. Do not crush or chew the medicine as it needs to be released in the colon for effective action. Asacol is a delayed release tablet.

Before taking any medicine, inform your doctor if you have any allergic reaction to a particular medicine. People allergic to mesalamine should particularly inform your doctor prior to the treatment.

Asacol is not only used to treat, but also to avoid remission of ulcerative colitis. The medicine should be stored in cool place. Do not store your drug in freezer or expose it to heat or moisture. Asacol is best stored in room temperature. You can purchase you medicine from your nearest medical store, or even online from reliable pharmacies like Canamerica Global. You can purchase online from this reputed pharmacy at much cheaper rates and save on your money. Besides, the drugs are genuine and also of standard quality. Canamerica Global is a licensed pharmacy that dispenses medicine on physician’s prescription.

CanAmerica Global Inc.
c/o 8-1421 St. James Street
Winnipeg MB
FREE PHONE: 1-888-788-1112

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