

Healthbase Announces Partnership with Costa Rican Hospital to Provide Affordable Medical Tourism


Healthbase Announces Partnership with Costa Rican Hospial Healthbase Announces Partnership with Costa Rican Hospial Healthbase has partnered with a JCI accredited Costa Rican Hospital to bring more cost-effective and convenient choices to uninsured Americans for their health care requirements. Boston-based medical tourism facilitator, Healthbase Online Inc., and Hospital Clinica Biblica of Costa...

Healthbase Announces Partnership with Costa Rican Hospital to Provide Affordable Medical Tourism


Healthbase has partnered with a JCI accredited Costa Rican Hospital to bring more cost-effective and convenient choices to uninsured Americans for their health care requirements. Boston-based medical tourism facilitator, Healthbase Online Inc., and Hospital Clinica Biblica of Costa Rica have partnered to provide low cost high quality health care services to uninsured, underinsured and even...