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Auto Profit Launcer – Easily powerful

Auto Profit Launcher Launch Date Announced!

Andrew X and Steven Lee Jones, authors and creators of best selling sites like My Clickbank Business, Google Ambush, and Google Massacre is about to strike once again. June 2009 we have been working on a top secret
project called Auto Profit Launcher.

“We have been developing and testing a very special web based application that we’re finally releasing to the public for the very first time on Tuesday December 1” Steven announced in a recent broadcast.

The official launch date will be on the 1st of December 2009.

The application, aptly named “Auto Profit Launcher“, will allow user members to instantly upload pre-made websites that they can configure to suit their needs to their own hosting, as well as the opportunity to create their own websites quickly, easily and effectively using our killer software.

The users will be given product based websites (eg, digital ebook sales website), affiliate review websites and templates, and a whole host of squeeze pages.

“This is pretty much everything they’ll need to be successful online”
Steven later added.

The most important benefit here is that the users will NEVER need to know HTML, how to FTP, how to insert Aweber code or the usual technical related work. Everything can be easily done in a wizard type application that even uploads the entire website to the hosting of their choice. Auto Profit Launcher sets to be their our biggest launch yet, and it is also going to be one of their flagship products.

Any online marketers that so desperately want such an automated and easy solution can now sit back and rejoice.

For more information visit

for an in depth review of Auto Profit Launcher and check out our
exclusive bonuses offers.

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