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Award Winning Digital Marketing Firm Says Link Relevance Is Just as Important as Anchor Text

New York Digital  Marketing  Experts says that SEO professionals and tech-savvy business owners should quit obsessing over anchor text and focus on relevant links.

Peter Crisafi, Vice President of dzine it, Inc., a award winning New York digital marketing firm with clients from across the country, says that businesses need to focus less on the anchor text of their links and more on how they can get those links on pages with strong relevance to the keywords in which they want to rank.

“For example, if your business website’s main keyword is ‘web design,’” says Crisafi. “There are a variety of different link options on pages that are relevant to the website design industry and you can use your business name as anchor text with the same result.”
Crisafi says that there are a number of places where businesses can find a home for relevant links.

Website Directories
Website directories offer specific category relevance, explains Crisafi. Using the example of a website design company, the business owner would look for categories within the directory that are specific to website design. Crisafi warns that companies must make sure that all of the sites listed in that category are related to their specific industry or the link will not be as effective.

Other People’s Blogs
Guest blog posts are becoming a popular way to gain authority, build brand identity and garner links that will bring traffic back to your website. Crisafi says that it should go without saying that companies should only post on blogs that are relevant to their particular industry.

Social Media Mentions
Major search engines now use updates from social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook in their calculation of what’s popular, so businesses should use them to their advantage, Crisafi says. He suggests, however, using relevant keywords in tweets and Facebook updates, as these can be related to the link in the update.

Link Requests
Trading links with other webmasters is a great way to get relevant links, Crisafi says. However, it is important to ensure that the page hosting your business’s link is relevant to your keywords.

“Essentially, what a business needs to do is gain links on high authority pages to increase their own authority,” explains Crisafi. “When focusing on link location, rather than obsessing over anchor text, the company will increase its website’s authority, build a solid brand reputation, and avoid Google penalties for overuse of keywords.”

Established in 2003, dzine it, inc. is a leader in Custom web development, website marketing and design solutions for small and large business, agencies. The company offers a wide range of business-centered visual communication solutions, including web-based content management, web design, graphic design, custom web software applications, ethical white hat search engine optimization (Organic SEO), Video Encoding, and print media solutions. For more information, call 718.336.2660 or visit

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