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Ayana Apparel Sun Protective Clothing Featured in Los Angeles Times

Ayana Apparel Sun Protective Clothing was featured in the Los Angeles Times newspaper. The article talks about UV protection and how UV protective clothing can be used in addition to sunscreen to reduce the negative effects of the sun’s UV rays.

Los Angeles, CA, July 12, 2010 — Ayana Apparel Sun Protective Clothing was featured in the Los Angeles Times newspaper article about UV protection and the stylish clothing from Ayana Apparel that helps protect individuals from the sun’s harmful UV rays. The article was written June 27, 2010 By Susan Carpenter of the Los Angeles Times. The headline was “Clothing with UV protection built in. Companies are taking advantage of improved options in textiles to offer stylish garments that protect wearers from the sun — for a time.”

Here are some of the most interesting parts of the article:
The amount of clothing many of us wear in summer is, understandably, inverse to the temperature. Matters of decency aside, that might not be a problem if we wore enough sunscreen, but most Americans don’t.

Just 18% of adults in the United States slather up before they go outdoors, according to a U.S. sunscreen study conducted by Neutrogena this year, and just 48% of Americans who slather up reapply sunscreen when they are exercising or swimming outside, even though many dermatologists recommend reapplication every two hours. What’s more, skin cancer is on the rise. It increased 10% from 2007 to 2009, according to the most recent procedures survey from the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.

“The best sunscreen of all is a hat and protective clothing and smart behavior,” according to ASDS President Jeffrey Dover. The problem, of course, is finding anything fashionable. The market has long focused on children and athletes, but over the last few years, a number of companies have been working to expand options for the rest of us.

Regular apparel simply doesn’t offer the same sort of UV protection as purpose-built, sun-protective items. And, though a tightly woven textile in dark colors is better than a loose weave in a light color, few Angelenos wear black turtlenecks in the summer. Clothing that is truly sun protective is marked with UPF, or ultraviolet protection factor, labeling, which is similar to the sun protection factor, or SPF, ratings on sunscreens and describes how much UV radiation a fabric blocks.

“I consider myself fashionable,” said Sonja Gfeller, founder of Ayana, a UV protective apparel line with the tag line “Skin care you can wear.”

Gfeller, 45, was having a hard time maintaining her sense of fashion and also protecting her skin from the sun after moving from her native Switzerland to San Clemente in 2003. She was tired of constantly applying sunscreen and she didn’t care for the few items of sun-protective golf, tennis and hiking apparel she was able to find in stores. “There was nothing,” Gfeller said.

Three years of research yielded fabrics from Japan and Taiwan that either wove zinc oxide, a UV blocker, into the textile or infused it into the fabric during the dyeing process. She started sewing those 45 UPF textiles into casual everyday items such as tunics, T-shirts, blouses, pants and skirts. This spring-summer season she expects to sell about 2,000 garments through her website and at niche boutiques.

Ayana’s garments are made in L.A. and, like most sun-protective clothing items, are effective for a limited number of washings — about 40. They also need to be worn in conjunction with sunscreen because clothes don’t cover everything. There are still exposed bits of skin that are vulnerable to the sun.

In summary:
UV protective clothing is becoming more recognized as a way to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Major Media coverage in one of the largest newspapers in the country, The Los Angeles Times sun protective clothing article helps spread awareness about sunblock clothing and companies like Ayana Apparel.

About Ayana
Ayana Apparel is a sun protective clothing brand for women who are forward-thinking and fashion-forward. Geared toward women who enjoy spending time outdoors and are active, Ayana supports a healthy lifestyle while preventing the skin from premature aging, all while offering stylish options to fashion-conscious women. Ayana maintains stylistic integrity by offering a variety of styles and colors so there is something for every taste.
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Contact :
Sonja Gfeller
Ayana Inc.
1223 Wilshire Blvd. #420
Santa Monica, CA 92403
1 888 332 9262

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