Bail Bonds and Attorneys: Working Together


When it comes to posting bail, the name that you can often hear in relation to this is the bail bondsman. It is very seldom that you will hear the word attorney being mentioned. However, when you look at it, bail bonds and attorneys really go hand in hand. This is because these bail agents are also lawyers in profession. They even act as defense lawyers of incarcerated prisoners, once they arrange for the posting of these individual’s bail bonds.

If you will take away the bail bondsman name, you will see that the people who will work at arranging the release of your loved one through the posting of bail are really attorneys.

How Are Bail Bonds Dependent on Attorneys?

Because of this, you can say that bail bonds and attorneys go together. This is because it is the attorney who will arrange for the posting of the bail so that a defendant can be temporarily released pending the trial of his crime. Although a lawyer by profession, you could expect this kind of attorney to have the license when it comes to issuing bail bonds. This means that his specialization is in helping people out when it comes to bail bonds. As they are also the ones who see to it that their clients show up before the judge during scheduled court hearings, you can be sure their license has been issued by the state.

The Fees Attorneys Charge for Bail Bond Issuance

When it comes to bail bonds and attorneys, you can also expect for fees to be charged. You have to know that the average fee of hiring a lawyer to act as your bail bondsman is ten percent of the actual amount of the bail. However, this fee is not yet inclusive of other expenses that may have been incurred during the course of arranging the bail bond. Because it is the court that determines the actual amount of the bail bond, bail agents charge their fees by percentage and not by actual amounts.

So if you were wondering how bail bonds and attorneys complement each other when it comes to releasing a loved one from imprisonment, you can see that without the other, one could not work. As such, if you want to arrange for the temporary release of a loved one, then the first person that you need to approach is your attorney as he will be the one who could help you explore the possible options that you have.

Press Release was created for use by Bail Bond Of Las Vegas, for more information please call 702-291-7220 or visit our website at

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