Barcelona Spain News – Grooming Of Youth To Become Soccer Stars


Recently Barcelona has started its campaign of grooming youth to become soccer stars. Actually Barcelona is well known for its good reputation in the European soccer world wide and also to include its consistent participation in the UEFA Champions League.

It has actually started to make a campaign at which coaches are now teaching kids to play soccer as from the ages of 5 years and above. Many parents have actually accepted this campaign as being a great incentive idea. This campaign started of from a survey that was conducted by a nutritionist who found out that there was high increase in obesity among the youth starting of from kids at the ages of 8 and above. This increase in obesity was from a result of kids not conducting into outdoor activities.

The research also found out that 80% of the kids including the youth in Spain spend most of their hours watching television, playing video games and also to include surfing on the internet. These are one of the reasons that have caused the high rate of obesity in the youths due to lack of exercises.

The campaign has been brought up to emphasize all kids to do outdoor activities and soccer being one of the main activities. Parents have been actually made to motivate their kids to partake into these activities due to the fact that their kids will also benefit a healthy living.

It now seems like every kid is now passionate about sports and the research has proven successful with a drop rate of 25.3% of kids who suffer from obesity in Spain. The government has actually contributed in this campaign by creating several jobs for health instructors and this campaign is yet to spread all over Europe and the surrounding continents. Just like any other sport the campaign has found soccer to be the game which can be easily liked by the youth and at the same time it makes the youth perform several activities hence keeping them fit and healthy.
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By Barcelona