Bioidentical Hormones Help Build Healthy Bones for Life


BodyLogicMD Physicians Balance Hormones for Optimal Bone Health as the National Osteoporosis Foundation Celebrates National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month.

Orlando, FL, May 19, 2010 — This May, the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) celebrates National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month, which will be held in conjunction with the NOF’s exciting new campaign, called Healthy Bones, Build Them for Life. The campaign is targeted towards educating women and men on what they can do to minimize their risk and improve their bone health, through a series of Healthy Bones webinars (web-based seminars) and public service announcements. Women and men can learn about risk factors, testing, nutrition, exercise, treatment and much more.

Osteoporosis is a chronic degenerative bone disease, where the bones become weak, brittle and porous, oftentimes leading to fractures and broken bones. The NOF estimates that over ten million American adults have been diagnosed with osteoporosis – 80 percent of which are women. NOF studies also suggest that 34 million suffer symptoms, but have not yet been diagnosed.

“It’s important for women and men to educate themselves on what they can be doing to improve their bone health and prevent future health challenges brought on by osteoporosis,” shares Orlando bioidentical hormones expert Marissa Magsino, M.D. “That’s why I help my patients, using a multi faceted approach to wellness, consisting of a comprehensive testing measures using saliva and blood, customized nutrition and fitness regimens, adequate supplementation including vitamin D and bioidentical hormone therapy (when necessary).”

The bone loss doesn’t occur all at once – studies indicate that women and men in their 40’s experience bone loss at an annual rate of 0.5 percent. The bioidentical hormone doctors ( at BodyLogicMD, the nation’s largest network of highly trained physicians specializing in bioidentical hormones, fitness and nutrition, support the NOF’s mission whole-heartedly and being that awareness and prevention are vital to optimal bone health, BodyLogicMD physicians wanted share some of the risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing osteoporosis:

• Hormonal imbalance – Our bodies rely on a variety of hormones, such as human growth hormone (HGH) and parathyroid hormone to assist the bones in calcium absorption. During menopause and andropause (the male menopause), waning levels of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen throw off the balance of others hormones, oftentimes impacting calcium absorption and increasing the risk of bone loss.

• Thyroid disorders – High levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) have been linked to calcium and vitamin D deficiencies and were found to increase bone loss in women and men. It’s important for individuals who suffer from thyroid conditions to take extra care of their bones, by exercising regularly and getting plenty of calcium and vitamin D.

• Vitamin D deficiency – According to WebMD, active vitamin D (calcitrol) functions more like a hormone, than a vitamin, helping the body absorb and utilize calcium.

• Inactive lifestyle – Use ‘em or lose ‘em. A sedentary lifestyle can spell disaster for our bones, let alone our overall health. By putting “gentle” stress on bones with light cardio or resistance training, we can improve bone density and prevent future bone loss.

“Osteoporosis-related bone loss can lead to hip fractures, which can significantly increase mortality risk – by up to 25 percent, depending on race, sex, age and preexisting medical conditions,” explains Dr. Magsino. “By exercising regularly, making sure to get plenty of calcium and vitamin D, and balancing hormones naturally with bioidentical hormone therapy, women and men can avoid a multitude of health risks oftentimes associated with aging.”

About BodyLogicMD (

Founded in 2003, BodyLogicMD physician-owned practices make up the nation’s largest and fastest growing network of the most highly trained physicians specializing in natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Integrated with fitness and nutrition programs, BodyLogicMD’s medically supervised programs are for men and women suffering from hormone imbalance associated with menopause and andropause. BodyLogicMD is currently featured as an expert resource on; Suzanne Somers’ latest bestselling books “Knockout: Interviews With Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer And How To Prevent Getting It In The First Place” and “Breakthrough: Eight Steps to Wellness” lists BodyLogicMD as an expert resource, and her book, “Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones” dedicates an entire chapter to BodyLogicMD. Florida Trend cover story December 2009, features BodyLogicMD as the national leaders in the growing anti-aging industry; BusinessWeek cover story March 2006, features the BodyLogicMD business start-up story.
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