Bladder Cancer Signs, Diagnosis, Stages And Treatment


The most typical bladder cancer symptoms are painful urination that is increased in frequency and hematuria (presence of blood in the urine). Besides from seeing these traces of red blood in urine, urine color might vary from dark reddish amber to brown.

Upon experiencing a major discoloration in the color of your urine, it is best to go and visit your doctor for diagnosis and medication. Furthermore, an appointment with an urologist is also crucial, this is a medical doctor who specializes in the genitourinary system as well as associated diseases like bladder cancer.

Diagnosing Bladder Cancer Symptoms

Confirmation of bladder cancer symptoms will all start with a detailed assessment of the pelvis and the abdomen to ascertain if there are any presences of tumors or any abnormal growths. This will be employed through rectal or vaginal examination.

Urinalysis will likewise be another diagnostic measure whereby you will be requested to give urine sample for lab testing. This will provide information and facts regarding the red and white blood cells, cancer cells and other parameters that can indicate other chemical abnormalities that can pose as bladder cancer symptoms.
An Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) uses x-rays to produce visuals of the urinary bladder. IVP utilizes a particular dye which is being injected into a vein, after which its route is followed until it combines with the urine and makes its way through the urinary tract until it gets to the bladder. With the aid of X-rays, visuals of the bladder and also the will be taken as the dyed urine gets to the urinary bladder.

A minor procedure known as a cystoscopy could also be done by your urologist. A specialized tube placed on a light at the end also known as cystoscope will be inserted straight into the bladder up to the urethra, the passage way of urine. The physician will then manage to see the bladder from the end of the inserted cystoscope. At this point, your doctor may easily verify and look at bladder cancer symptoms or irregularities, such as. By employing cystoscopy, the tumors that have arisen in the urinary bladder can be categorized by stages via collection of tissue samples from the tumor, then examination under a microscope. This method is called a biopsy. With the technoligical advancements today, there are micro-instruments readily available for use in diagnosis that could likewise be used for treating bladder cancer symptoms all at once.

Stages of Severity: Classifying Bladder Cancer Symptoms

The severity of the tumor may be diagnosed once the needed clinical tests were carried out. The biopsy results bring about the confirmation or absence of the bladder cancer symptoms, and the stage of the bladder tumor, if perhaps there is any. Bladder cancer symptoms can be classified into 5 stages.

Stage 0: The least severe stage happens as cancer cells only line the internal surface of the bladder.
Stage 1: Cancer cells are now part of the deep internal lining of the urinary bladder haven’t yet penetrated the muscles of the bladder.
Stage 2: The bladder muscles have already been invaded by cancer cells.
Stage 3: Cancer cells are now scattering all over the muscles of the bladder and their surrounding tissue such as the uterus (in girls) or the prostate (in boys).
Stage 4: Viewed as the most severe stage, the cancer cells have invaded and spread throughout the abdomen and pelvic walls. These invasive cells may also be present in the lymph nodes, lungs as well as other organs in the abdominal cavity.

Treatment of Bladder Cancer Symptoms

Treatment of bladder cancer is dependent on the type and severity of the bladder cancer. You can find various treatment plans readily available to you. Successful treatment is often achieved upon early recognition of the cancer. Speak to your doctor or specialist without delay if you are observing any kind of bladder cancer symptoms.

If you want to learn additional facts about bladder cancer, Henry Magana has worked in the medical field for almost twenty-five years and operates a web site about bladder cancer symptoms that you should definitely check out.

About the author

By KammannDelligatti507