New Book First to Focus on Atlanta Social Media


Atlanta author combines big-company marketing lessons with street smart social media tactics.

Inman Park resident Ed Peterson cut his teeth in digital communications while working as the head of strategic planning and investor relations for a large Taiwanese company. “Having to work quickly across time zones and languages got me focused on using corporate culture and customer expectations as the nucleus of all communication. The need for speed and collaboration in our international businesses led me into the realm of creating online communities. I was quickly hooked on their potential.”

In 2008, Peterson decided to dive head first into the emerging world of social media. “I really owe a great deal of credit to the Atlanta small-business community, because much of my expertise in new-media came as a result of on-the-job training. My background in brand development and corporate marketing allowed me to outline top-level marketing strategies that I would then bring to life online through trial and error and lots of listening.”

The Atlanta Social Media Guide, available as a free download at Peterson’s Corner Store Media site, is a step-by-step review of the basic planks an entrepreneur needs to consider when building a digital marketing plan, whether it is for a new or an existing business. Readers will find more than 100 links to suggested tools and content, along with a number of case studies on how Atlanta businesses are using interactive marketing to gain new customers.

The book uses plain language to cover high-level marketing and communication strategies, as well as the basics of inbound marketing and search engine optimization techniques vital to Internet campaigns. Readers also learn about inexpensive website options, blogging, and the critical importance of mobile marketing. These topics compliment an overview of how to connect with customers using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and smaller online networks unique to the Atlanta market.

Peterson hopes the casual, user-friendly tone of the book will engage business owners who are intimidated by the social media revolution. “Having helped scores of local businesses with their marketing, my best advice for working online is to focus on conveying what makes your business special and remember to stay engaged with the community you create – and have fun doing it!”

Media Contacts:
Ed Peterson
Corner Store Media
(404) 931-6398
[email protected]

About the author

By keyrobert22