New Book Released – Arsy Varsy, by Phillip A. Ross


The thesis of this book is that Paul thought, wrote and taught that some of the leaders of the Corinthian church had things arsy varsy or ass backwards.

Marietta, OH, February 24, 2009 — Arsy Varsy—Reclaiming the Gospel in First Corinthians, by Phillip A. Ross, Pilgrim Platform, Marietta, Ohio, 2008, First Edition, 400 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9820385-1-2.

For Barack Obama in honor of his election as the 44th President of the United States of America
and for the people who have called for change they can believe in What kind of title is Arsy Varsy? It’s an old Puritan word similar to vice versa. Where visa versa means conversely or a change in order, arsy varsy means wrong end foremost, i.e., completely backward, an arsy varsy way of doing things. Today we might use the expression ass backward, which suggests that something is happening the wrong way, with the rear coming first. It indicates the complete reversal of the correct order.

Why would a book like this be dedicated to a President? There is a long tradition among Christian writers to provide theological insight where it is needed, where its application can get the most bang for the buck, so to speak. Senator Obama campaigned for President on the platform of bringing needed change to America, and that is exactly what this book is about. Arsy Varsy provides a foundation upon which real, sustainable cultural change can be built.

The theological position espoused herein is neither Left nor Right, neither Liberal or Conservative. How can this be? Because the traditional Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative dichotomy is inadequate to the reality of life. It is a false dichotomy built upon a false and shallow understanding of reality. And it is our understanding of the reality in which we live that is the subject of this book.

The thesis of this book is that Paul thought, wrote and taught that some of the leaders of the Corinthian church had things arsy varsy or ass backwards. It’s a common problem that has plagued Christianity since the time of the Corinthian church, and before that back into the history of the Old Testament to the Fall of Adam. Being a sinner means getting things wrong. Paul was trying to help the Corinthians get things right, and their getting things right meant that they first come to understand that they had things wrong.

The contemporary American churches in the dawning of the Twenty-First Century are in a situation that is remarkably similar to that of the ancient Corinthian church. This book goes through Corinthians showing that Paul’s work with the Corinthians has some pertinent analysis of and application to our own contemporary situation. The book reveals the trouble the Corinthians had gotten into as a church in order to understand what Paul was saying to them in the hope of shining some light on our own problem because their problem is our problem. It’s a recurring problem because it is a problem of gospel reception and transmission.

Understanding Paul’s words from the perspective of the First Century Corinthian church is very important to the study of Corinthians today. However, if we only understand Paul from a First Century perspective, as applying only to the Corinthian church, we will only have a history lesson. As important as it is to understand what Paul was saying to those who first received his letter, to place our primary focus there will blunt the sharp edge of Paul’s analysis and prescription, and quench the Spirit who is also speaking to us.

Phillip A. Ross has pastored churches in Berkeley, California; St. Louis, Missouri, Evansville, Indiana; Bellefonte, Pennsylvania; and Marietta, Ohio. He has degrees from Pacific School of Religion, the University of Colorado, and has various certificates of continuing pastoral training. Following his post-ordination conversion to biblical Christianity, he has labored for Gospel renewal through radio, music, counseling, and writing.

Press Contact:
Phillip A. Ross
Pilgrim Platform
149 E. Spring St.
Marietta, OH 45750
[email protected]

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