Botox Treatment: A Pocket Guide to Reviving Your Youthful Glow


“With over 1.5 million treatment administered in the previous year alone, Botox undeniably still holds the status as the fastest growing non-surgical cosmetic procedure that is taking the nation by storm.” Said one senior executive of Botox Treatment Beverly Hills. Being a seasoned medical specialist on cosmetic surgeries himself, he added that this trend is actually way beyond what the medical experts had expected.

Beverly Hills, California, 5/21/10 – “These days, we get several clients, by referrals alone, looking to revive their youthful glow via Botox. Basically, no one can stop the people from all walks of life from being drawn to this treatment. It is a definitely a medical phenomenon.” he added.

Botox treatment is a term given to a type of cosmetic procedure where the patient skin is injected with protein in order to smoothen up line wrinkles and repair skin pigmentation. The type of protein utilized for this procedure is derived from botulism toxin. This protein works by its innate ability to freeze muscles. In the context of Botox treatment, this muscle freezing essentially enables target muscle area to regain its smooth and cleaner appearance.

“People often have this awkward perception about Botox. Some feels that this is unsafe and that is has several compromising side effects. It is a common reaction only because the have no absolute knowledge of what Botox is really all about. As a proactive response, we are taking major steps to educate everyone about Botox treatment.” Added the senior executive of Botox Treatment Beverly Hills.

“From our end, we are responsible for setting the facts straight and sharing it with our clients. Thereafter, we give our clients the privilege to decide if Botox is really the right one for them.” He added.

Once clients have decided to push through with the procedure, licensed medical professionals are then assigned to handle the patient and to safely administer the procedure. Botox treatment only last for a few minutes and soon after, when all the recuperation and healing period is done, patients are guaranteed to get only the youthful glow that they so loved the most.

To know more about Botox Treatment Beverly Hills, visit Press members may contact the following details for additional information with regards to this release.

Botox Treatment Beverly Hills
Dr. Glenn Vallecillos
436 North Bedford Drive, Suite 105
Beverly Hills, California 90210 USA
(310) 774-0998

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By bettypenaflor