Breakthrough Female Sexual Enhancment: It’s About Time


Nov. 19, 2006. Grand Rapids, MI— Viagra and its herbal counterparts have been making headlines . . . but what about her? Recognizing that a woman’s sexual health is vital to her holistic well being, the physician-lead research team at MicroNutra Health™ developed Climaxol™, a product to enhance and enable her natural orgasm.

“Sexual orgasm has as much importance for a woman as a man. Not only does it help to build stronger, healthy relationships, it also stimulates mental health through the release of endorphins; creates a sense of well being through release of oxytocin; benefits skin health by stimulating collagen production and actually strengthens the immune system. Orgasm also relieves stress—and stress is at fault for many physical and mental maladies,” says Darrin Peppers, media relations, MicroNutra Health.

Climaxol enriches the female sexual experience three ways:

· Enhances the brain’s sexual signals to support production of neurotransmitters such as oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin and melatonin, all of which contribute to a satisfying orgasm experience.

· Sustains balanced hormone levels to increase sense of calm, relax inhibitions and increase sensitivity in sexual organs and tissues.

· Increases blood flow to elevate arousal and sensitivity.

Using careful extraction methods to isolate key chemical properties, Climaxol â„¢ blends its herbal ingredients at the molecular level by means of a proprietary 12-step process to ensure ultimate effectiveness. The Climaxolâ„¢ formula includes Swedish Flower Pollen, an alternative to gonadotrohins, sexual stimulants normally produced by the pituitary gland; Red Clover, an estrogenic isoflavone that supports fertility and balances hormone levels; and Black Cohosh, a mild calmative that allows enjoyment and supports climactic vaginal contractions.

MicroNutra Healthâ„¢ seeks to provide the world with progressive health products derived from the finest all-natural ingredients Mother Earth has to offer. Inspired by the genius of Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Linus Pauling, MicroNutra Healthâ„¢ is dedicated to optimizing global health at the cellular level.

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By sslootmaker