Brian Linne Releases Independent Single Video To Love Someone


Brian Linne believes that he was meant to write his songs and share them with others, now for the first time he brings his art to the screen for all to see.

Port Huron, MI, April 06, 2009 — Brian Linne is an accomplished singer/songwriter/musician. He has a lot in common with his peers; he is indie and needs to be heard. It is just as difficult to break out in the indie world today as it was years ago with big record labels or radio. With fierce competition and everyone armed with the same weapons, how does one separate himself from the pack?
Linne teamed with producer Steve Riley to create a video that everyone should find a way to relate to one way or another.

To Love Someone portrays a father trying to control his daughter’s destiny rather than support her goals and dreams. In the end, he will see his way clear to the true meaning of love for one’s child. Linne holds a personal belief that if you truly love someone you need to keep building them up even at your own expense, not with money but by foregoing your own personal needs and wants. When one casts aside his or her own needs to accommodate another person, it is the ultimate gift to another.

The song “To Love Someone” is filled with prolific moving words set to acoustic strumming and Brian Linne’s signature vocal style. Those that are familiar with Brian’s work and strong foothold on faith will understand the video and the reason why he decided to invite others to enjoy it. He remains hopeful that the souls that need direction will learn from it. For the audience that is yet to be discovered, they will quickly grasp the meaning of the song and find common ground with the real life drama that takes place during the video.

Brian Linne believes that he was meant to write his songs and share them with others, now for the first time he brings his art to the screen for all to see.

Visit the Brian Linne website for updates, sound samples, pictures and more.
PR Created and Distributed by

Brian Linne
Brian Linne Music
P.O. Box 61102
Port Huron, MI 48060
[email protected]
To Love Someone Video:
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By perumal