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How Does BriteSmile Whiten Teeth?

BriteSmile Teeth Whitening is the most advanced whitening procedure available on the market today. The BriteSmile system was developed by a former NASA scientist who worked alongside the Hubble Space Program and the creation of laser eye surgery. BriteSmile is one of the fastest teeth whitening methods offered by dentists and effectively eliminates discolorations in about an hour.

How BriteSmile Works to Whiten Teeth

A low-bleaching gel and gas plasma light technology are used together in the BriteSmile process that is clinically proven to brighten teeth up to nine shades lighter. Most of the other teeth whitening options on the market can only lighten teeth by five shades and take weeks to show results. Used for over a century, hydrogen peroxide is one of the most effective whitening chemicals recognized by dentists. BriteSmile’s gel is primarily made from hydrogen peroxide and the light system activates the whitening properties. This combination was specifically designed to lighten teeth to their prime, natural whiteness.

Results from BriteSmile Teeth Whitening

Typically painless, some patients do report a “dull ache” after the whitening procedure. Our Raleigh dentistry practice reviews the BriteSmile process during the examination and reviews all post-procedure BriteSmile recommendations, like avoiding hot and cold beverages for 24 hours. For most patients, the process only needs to be completed every 2 years. The best results are seen in patients who do not have fractures in their teeth, a history of TMJ problems or sensitivity to hot and cold food or drinks. Anyone with these issues is typically not a prime candidate for the BriteSmile process and can review other teeth whitening methods with a Glenwood Smiles dentist. Normal dental care should be practiced after a BriteSmile procedure: brushing with a soft-bristle toothbrush and whitening paste, brushing twice per day or after every meal, flossing daily and regular visits to Glenwood Smiles for teeth cleanings.

BriteSmile Teeth Whitening in Raleigh

Glenwood Smiles Raleigh dentistry practice offers several teeth whitening options. Compared to veneers, crowns and other cosmetic dental work, BriteSmile is the cheapest and least invasive choice for anyone who wants whiter teeth in the Raleigh-Durham area. A fast teeth whitening procedure, BriteSmile is perfect for anyone who needs to lighten their teeth before a family portrait, wedding or other special event. BriteSmile is completely safe and does not soften enamel or damage fillings. Stains on bonds, veneers and caps will be lifted, but patients should discuss concerns before the procedure.

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