Bulleen Physiotherapist Discusses Physiotherapy


Physiotherapy is a health field focused entirely on the evaluation, maintenance, and recovery of the physical function and performance of the body. When our bodies do not function at an optimal biomechanical level, it is predictable that our body will get unbalanced that can result in pain and decreased efficiency.

Physiotherapy can be utilized as an adjunct to medical advice and some other health care interventions, for example, when recovering from surgery. However, it is usually employed in isolation as the therapy of preference, in particular for the management of injuries. In instances when physiotherapy is employed in combination with some other medical/allied health therapies, physiotherapy care will usually provide longer lasting relief, along with faster recovery from injury.

Physiotherapists carefully consider the elements that lead to the presenting complaint of the individual. By treating poor posture, muscle imbalances, poor work practices, or other behaviors, the Physiotherapist has the ability to handle these complaints and thus treat the individual in a wholistic method. This technique reduces the odds of recurrence of the presenting problem, and in addition removes almost any worsening of the condition.

Kinds of Problems Helped By Physiotherapy

Almost any issue that can affect your muscles, joints, or nerves may be helped by physiotherapy. Normal conditions encompass:
• Painful conditions for instance arthritis
• Back ache as well as neck pain, including whiplash
• Headaches and migraines
• Problems affecting children like cerebral palsy
• Pregnancy-related symptoms such as back pain and stress incontinence
• Upper limb work-related issues, also known as repetitive strain injury (RSI)
• Asthma and different breathing problems
• Sports injuries
• Stroke as well as other neurological problems.

Physiotherapy Evaluation & Treatment

Physiotherapy utilizes a wide variety of assessment and treatment techniques to establish the particular reason for the problem. A comprehensive physiotherapy assessment allows the physiotherapist to ascertain the most suitable technique to use with the aim of recovering the individual to their best level of performance.

Physio treatment will therefore differ depending on the presenting issue.

Common types of physiotherapy treatment include:

• Joint mobilisation therapy
• Spinal mobilisation therapy
• Manipulation
• Massage
• Postural advice/education
• Workout routines/advice
• Stretches and core stability education
• Ergonomic and work station assessments and suggestions
• Pilates conditioning routines
• Acupuncture and dry needling
• Muscle energy techniques
• Balance training and re-education
• Gait (walking/running) retraining
• Strength and rehabilitation programs and training

Call Your Bulleen physiotherapy clinic today to organise an appointment and discuss how physiotherapy can positively impact your health and well-being with a safe, effective and natural technique.


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By taylasunners51