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Make your business greener – top 10 tips!

There are plenty of ways to make your business greener, without spending a fortune. With just a few small changes, you can help the planet and perhaps even save money!

1. Print less. Look at how you can cut down on paper use in the office. Can the newsletter be emailed? Could timesheets be submitted monthly rather than weekly? Buy in recycled paper.

2. Recycle more. Recycle paper, ink cartridges, packaging, bottles and cans – whatever you can!

3. Switch off. Install timers and motion sensors to automatically turn off lights, use energy efficient light bulbs, keep temperatures at comfortable ranges that are not excessively cool in the summer and warm in the winter

4. Choose eco-friendly and ethical suppliers. There are so many other companies changing their systems to become more environmentally friendly that by switching to them, you instantly become greener and they needn’t cost more than your current supplier. Take Broadland Guards security for example – they are so green they have an ISO 14001 accreditation and are the first and only security provider to achieve this accolade. For more information visit them at

5. Buy environmentally friendly products.  There is so much choice today that non toxic, biodegradable and eco friendly products are affordable and easy to find. Switch to less harmful cleaning supplies, inks, and other materials.

6. Reduce commuting. Encourage car-pooling, use of public transport and biking or walking to work where possible.

7. Reduce business travel. Use video and tele-conferencing, phone and email if a face to face meeting is not essential and see for tips on making business travel greener.

8. Use renewable energy. Switch to a green energy provider or, if you are building a new commercial unit or refurbishing an old one, install solar panels to provide heat and hot water.

9. Upgrade. If you have ageing hardware or an older fleet of cars you may be able to save energy and money when you upgrade them to more efficient models.

10. Get employees involved. Ask your staff for suggestions or create a team to investigate what changes can be made to help the company become more energy efficient.

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