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Best business websites generate more site revenue

Statistics constantly show us that visitors are more than fickle; massive traffic is lost by poorly designed and developed websites. Your site ranks OK on Google, a visitor clicks your site link, the site is poor, confidence is lost and the browser back button is clicked: your competitor wins, you lose. It’s happening all day, every day.

By enlisting the services of good web developers who know how to design and build for human usability, customer satisfaction, visitor experience and the search engines, you will find your site traffic improves; bounce rates will drop, time spent on pages will increase and so will business. Professional web developers understand the importance of ensuring the website not only looks professional and instils confidence, but also that the build method is favoured by the search engines as well. It is actually quite uncommon to find instances of excellent build quality and user-friendly navigation but with eye-catching design.

These qualities are most commonly found amongst the best business web developers, who are able to achieve outstanding results both visually and operationally. The source code and methodology are as important as the design, and this is particularly true in E-commerce websites where competition remains high. E-shop sites tend (too often) to be based on poor templates and built on poor e-commerce platforms or systems. The best ecommerce web developers know which platforms or frameworks are the best, when taking all considerations into account. These must include: the ease of use for the client in managing the product and catalogue data, adding new products and updating prices; a search-engine-friendly system that allows explicit editing of meta data and page/ product content; no restrictions of jquery, Ajax and Javascript and add-on functionalities such as embedded media etc.

The best ecommerce systems will be those that tick all of the above boxes, allow the user/ owner to make changes to content (through a Content Management System) and manage products and data. They will also provide advanced and in-depth analytics and reporting, so the owner can see (at a glance) which products are performing better than others, and where the best customers live and how they found the website etc.

In summary, using the best business website developers and designers will always pay off as the traffic to your website will be of better quality and your site revenue will be greater as a result. You may even find that you spend less in marketing your website too!

One company that builds the best business websites and are very good web developers is wysi web, Oxford House, Oxford Street, Newbury, Berkshire, UK. RG14 1JB Tel: 01635 760174.

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