Buying a Car after Bankruptcy


Brentwood, NY, 19-Aug-10,The news circulating among friends as well as family is that bankruptcy would stop you from purchasing a home or getting a auto loan.

Getting a Car Loan after Bankruptcy

A number of individuals avoid filing for bankruptcy just as their car might be in a bad condition and they will want to buy a car soon. You might believe which if you file for bankruptcy then there is no other option you would be able to get a car. In fact, it’s likely for you to buy car after bankruptcy, however it might not be through the best financing possible. If you’re considering bankruptcy then more than likely your credit is previously shot. You perhaps weren’t going to be up to get the best financing possible even prior to bankruptcy. If you’re trying to obtain better financing for a car after bankruptcy then you would require some time to re-establish your credit. Car loan companies would generally ask for that:

Credit Merit– Having as a minimum 1 year of present payment history, without defaults, would help you in obtaining better financing as buying a car after bankruptcy.
Income Verification -Like a home mortgage, no lender would be willing to offer you a car loan if you don’t have the obtainable income to pay for the car loan.

You might think well what if I require a car right after bankruptcy then what are my options. There’re companies which provide bad credit car loan after bankruptcy that work through people who have a bad credit ratings including a bankruptcy. These companies might be able to approve you for a car loan after bankruptcy. A few companies which I am aware of include:


Another advantage that you need to bear in mind is that you’re possibly a better credit risk for a home loan or car loan company after bankruptcy than prior to. After availing bankruptcy car loan you have the ability to start rebuilding your credit and start re-establishing a positive history. Prior to filing for bankruptcy you might have carried a high amount of debt. An auto loan company who might have looked at your debt prior to filing for bankruptcy wouldn’t have approved you for a loan.

Click Here For Free Quote On Car Loan after Bankruptcy >>

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By williereen