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Cardiac Screening – an Important Aspect of a Well Set Up Corporate Health Service

Cardiac diseases, for example peripheral artery disease, form a collection of issues that represents one of the top causes of deaths in North America and the entire world alike. Foods like hamburgers, French fries, ice cream, kebabs, chocolate and basically anything that is frosted, defrosted, deep fried, processed at high temperatures or just not from natural ingredients can increase the risk of fatal cardiac diseases. Even if those do not result in fatal accidents such as strokes or abdominal aneurysms, they can definitely damage the state of health and overall wellbeing of the persons who do not take care of themselves. Especially for corporate employees, suffering from cardiac diseases can be a burden that decreases their productivity and efficiency.

The best course of action is to conduct a disease prevention strategy. Quite possibly the most important step of the cardiac disease prevention is to regularly undergo a cardiac screening. More and more companies are beginning to schedule a cardiac screening for their employees.

If you too want to make use of the services of great corporate health service providers, HealthyStartMD is the company that will definitely offer the most comprehensive and professional range of services for both the employers and the employees.

About HealthyStartMD

HealthyStartMD is one of the top corporate health service providers. The company, which is based in Texas, benefits from the expertise and experience of professional physicians who know that when the individuals come into the doctor’s office it is probably already too late for the disease prevention stage that should have been taken care of earlier. One of the ways in which this can be done is with measures taken by the employers and businesses. Corporate health service is a trend that is being followed by many enterprises, and with good reason.

The purpose of a corporate health service plan is to bring individuals closer to acquiring the knowledge necessary to life a healthier lifestyle and make the crucial steps towards any kind of disease prevention. The HealthyStartMD trainers are fully prepared to train the persons which participate in the corporate health service program with regards to diet and exercise according to their particular requirements and also assess the health state that the employees are in.

The HealthyStartMD team is composed of physicians, nurses, dieticians and psychologists, so that every step of a early disease prevention, including cardiac screening, and also of a switch from a hectic eating schedule to an organized and healthy diet and exercise plan is made without damaging any component of your life, be it psychological, spiritual or physical. Also, the purpose of this action is to teach how to diet and exercise for a lifetime, not only for a couple of months, weeks or days and this requires the changing of the entire lifestyle and a complete reeducation of your eating preferences and body alike.

Remember that diet and exercise are part of every healthy lifestyle, regardless of whether or not you are employed and, if you are, of the market segment you work in. HealthyStartMD values your health!

For more information about our services, please visit

Address: 290 Medical Center Blvd Webster, TX 77598
Phone: 281-956-7020
Fax: 832-209-1467

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