Why use Carolina Consulting Ltd for your Marketing and Sales?


Carolina Consulting Ltd is an industry leader in providing a direct marketing sales team for Clients.
Direct marketing can be used to test new markets and trial products and services, to build loyalty with existing customers, collect information for future campaigns, or reach a specific customer base. The cost per acquisition of this direct method can be significantly less than other marketing tools. Plus once you’ve acquired a customer, you can also benefit from highly profitable repeat sales, gained once again through direct marketing methods.
Carolina Consulting Ltd can assist with implementing a campaign and the following points are a great outline as to what to expect from an outsourced marketing company who can specifically and accurately plan, research, manage and develop as per the requirements of you company.
Who do you want to target?
We can do this research for you; amend sales pitches and ways to acquire these new customers for you dependent on positive results we receive from our pilot programs. Who your existing customers are, the types of business they run, what size business they are and where they are located.
Measuring Success
The beauty of direct marketing is that it allows you to track individual customer responses and measure exactly what your campaign achieves – we make sure we get your tracking right and your marketing results are accurate. Accurate results will ensure you are able to test and refine your marketing campaigns so you achieve the best response rates you can.
Return on Investment
By tracking your campaign responses accurately, we will be able to work out the return on investment (ROI) by analyzing how much you spent compared with the revenue generated.

Carolina Consulting Ltd,
3 More Riverside 109A London England SE1 2RE,
Phone: 0203-283-4535,
Email: [email protected]
Carolina Consulting ltd is a UK based marketing company “helping to increase market share worldwide.”

About the author

By Libby