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Choosing The Correct Rabbit Hutches

Raising rabbits can be a lot of fun as well as profitable if they are being raised to sell. Regardless of the reason, one requirement is that they be properly housed. Primary on the list is having the right rabbit hutches.

There are basics which every person with rabbits should know regarding their housing. Contrary to some beliefs rabbits should not be kept in hutches with wire floors. With no pads on their feet, as dogs and cats have, the wire can cause pain and permanent damage. It is essential to have a floor with plastic or some type of removable tray that can be cleaned.

With the correct floor in the hutch, there should be plenty of soft bedding and no sharp objects. It is preferred that the enclosure be raised above the ground so that other animals, such as a fox, dog or cat cannot get to the rabbit. The animal will enjoy their surroundings much more if some baby carrots or pieces of apples are placed in hidden places in the cage. It makes them happy to search for these treats.

The size of the hutch would depend on how long the animal is going to occupy it. It is recommended that a cage be at least four times the size of the rabbit if occupied for long periods of time. Many people take the animal out for a short period each day to keep it healthy. This exercise requirement works very well when purchasing a cage with a run. However, this run must be secure as they will dig out and run away.

There is a great deal of difference between raising a rabbit or rabbits for fun and raising them to sell, however correct housing is basic in either case. Rabbit hutches work equally as well indoors or outdoors. Having housing that can easily be moved allows the animal or animals to enjoy the indoor warmth in the winter and the outdoor sun in the summer. This arrangement will keep them comfortable as well as allow a change in scenery.

These animals can be litter box trained and enjoy being taken for walks with a harness, as a result some people have a rabbit proof room for their pleasure. However, for their good health and comfort there is nothing better than a well built hutch. With such an arrangement, they will feel safe and secure.

There are a number of different types of rabbit housing on the market. They come in many different designs and constructions, many offering housing with ramps for the animal to go from the bedding area to the outside enclosure. This gives it plenty of opportunity to exercise whenever desired.

Recommended bedding for the animal is wooden shavings, which are clean, and absorbent. Covering this with straw helps with insulation. If shavings cannot be obtained then shredded paper, covered with straw will work fine. Rabbits can be very loving animals to have and welcome human relationships. They are a delight to own and a welcome addition to one’s household. Having them safely housed in the proper rabbit hutches is primary in being sure they are cared for properly and remain healthy.

Are you looking to find where you can learn more about Rabbit Hutches? Visit our website to find out more! So why are you hesitating? Visit our website to find out where you can find the best deal on top quality Rabbit Hutches for your cute little rabbit to stay in.

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