This Christmas, that bike under the tree belongs to you!


Electric bikes reopen the fun of bicycling to many.

Remember when you were a kid on Christmas morning and Santa brought you a brand new bicycle? Remember how much fun it was riding a bike as a kid? Well now, technology is bringing the bicycle back with an added bonus, electric power. Now, everyone has the ability to get back on a bicycle and be a kid again!

Most adults have given up the joy of bike riding because at some point of the ride, there is a hill or a headwind that they just do not want to fight. With the electric assist from a quiet, rear hub motor, it can feel like you are always going downhill with the wind at your back. “The electric bicycle can open up a whole new world for most adults” states Don DiCostanzo, founder of Pedego, an electric bike manufacturer located in Orange County, California. “Our Pedego electric bikes give most adults the ability to get some exercise and save money on gas while being green to the environment and most of all, having fun!”

In 2009, there will be over 20 million electric bikes sold worldwide. Only about 100,000 of those will be in the US. “The US consumer for the most part has yet to learn that electric bikes are even available”, says DiCostanzo. “This is not a new product. These bikes have been around a long time but have really become main stream in the last year as the battery technology has improved”.

Recently, the batteries used for electric bikes have moved from heavy lead acid, which gave limited performance, to new lightweight lithium ion packs (think Energizer bunny) that can propel a rider over 20 miles on a single charge. As the automotive industry works feverishly to develop better battery technology to drive their cars, the electric bike industry will be able to ride their coat tails delivering even greater distances traveled.

Are you looking for that unique Christmas gift that they will never expect? Or, how about a little something just for you? This year, you can wake up Christmas morning and find a brand new shiny bicycle under the tree. And this time, it’s for you! Go ahead, be a kid again.

For more information about the Pedego brand of electric bicycle, go to

About the author

By terrysherry