Colleen Ayton – Sponsored By Danbro – Completes Life Changing Mount Kilimanjaro Climb


This January umbrella company Danbro, the specialist accountants for contractors and freelancers, sponsored Danbro contractor Colleen Ayton, on her challenge to reach the top of Kilimanjaro.
The climb was organised by Colleen to help raise funds for the ‘Search 4 a Vaccine Campaign’ and lasted a total of nine days, seven to reach the summit and two to come back down.
Ms Ayton was inspired to do the climb in celebration of her daughter Sarah’s life.
Sarah was affected by Meningitis Septicaemia at the age of 15 but thanks to the staff at Portsmouth Hospital she survived and went on to become No 1 in the world of Yngling Sailing and a Double Olympic Gold Medallist.
Colleen Ayton said: ‘I never really appreciated just how hard this climb was going to be – not only the physical challenge but the mental challenge. I would like to thank everyone in my group for the support they gave and special thanks to all those at Ahsante Tours who supplied the backup team for this climb from the guides, assistant guides, cooks and porters. Without these guys nobody would make it, they are amazing people and have my full respect.’
The contractor umbrella along with her many other sponsors have congratulated Colleen on the climb after she managed to raise an incredible £4975 for Meningitis UK.
As one of the UK’s leading umbrella companies Danbro insist on supporting a wide range of charity-based events. Visit their website for further details.

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By motionlab