What Are Common Prerequisites For Nursing Programs?


Prerequisites for nursing programs are similar across the United States however, in California, there are certain significant differences worthy of discussing. Prior to starting an evaluation of the dissimilarities, however, it needs to be noted that a lot of nursing schools in California have their own collection of requirements apart from those outlined herein.

Normal Prerequisites for Nursing Universities

Regardless of if you are referring to RN or LVN programs, colleges all over have an uniform collection of simple standards that each applicant will have to satisfy. This standard group of nursing school prerequisites differs considerably by college, but often contains a high school diploma and some degree of past schooling in the sciences.

A High School Diploma

Schools for nursing in most every state want program applicants to hold either a high school diploma or its equivalent (i.e. GED) in order to be eligible for entrance.

Past Credits in the Sciences

Even though the specific prerequisites for nursing colleges change from state to state, it is universally mandated that applicants have completed transferrable credits within the sciences. If senior high school biology as well as other similar coursework satisfies this prerequisite, or an advanced qualification is preferred will most likely differ by university and location.

California Nursing Program Prerequisites

As with any other locations, nursing schools in California normally require candidates to have completed several preparatory instructional classes. As opposed to many states, the incredibly competitive character of nursing school acceptance in the Golden State has led to a lot of programs placing huge emphasis on supplemental factors while deciding who to accept.

Grades (Grade Point Average)

Substantial levels of competition in admission to California nursing programs means that the colleges have the ability to be discerning. For example, California’s community college nursing programs are becoming so impacted that they at this point run a lotto drawing to see who will be admitted every semester. To be entered into this sweepstakes, each student must have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher. Put simply, if you find yourself still in high school and want to be a nurse, be sure to keep your grades up.

Program Prerequisites

As stated in the previous section, colleges in every region will need applicants to have fully finished some variety of science credits in their high school or a community college before giving admission. While in California, these kinds of conditions normally include a minimum of two classes of Anatomy, Chemistry and English, as well as a minimum of a semester of Algebra, Nutrition, Microbiology, Public Speaking, Sociology and Psychology.

Would You Match the Prerequisites for Nursing Colleges in California?

For those who are serious about being a nurse in The Golden State, but are not sure if you are eligible, you should talk to a representative at the admissions department at an accredited school close to you.

Are you looking to find even more about the types of nursing degrees? Be sure you visit the author’s blog on two year nursing degrees!

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By AylaWard