Miami, FL, USA: People who are searching for a practical and low cost way to get rid of pests including ants and bed bugs can now buy a wide range of effective products from a Miami based company called Discount Do It Yourself Pest Control.

The focus is on keeping costs down by giving the householder a range of efficient products that will allow them to treat their houses themselves. The prices are competitive and there are special deals which combine more than one product purchase to save even more money.

“We believe in giving householders the means by which they can deal with common pest problems themselves,” says Ray Lucas, who runs the business. “Provided the correct items and bought and the instructions are followed to the letter, our products can solve many problems caused by pest infestations. Whether you have a few ants or flies or a significant bed bug infestation, we are confident we have something that will help you eradicate the problem.”

The products range from simple aerosol cans which can be used indoors and outdoors to get rid of flies and similar beasts, to insecticide foggers and granules that are designed to be used outdoors. The website is notable for providing extensive information on each product. Customers will learn how to use it and where to use it for the best effect even before they have bought it.

“We also list the different types of bugs that each product is effective against,” adds Ray. “Everything is listed in separate sections so you can go straight to the section you need for your own particular problem. But you will also be able to find out what other bugs you can use those products against, to help you with an all round solution for keeping your home bug free.”

The site also offers good discounts if customers buy more than one unit of a product at a time. This makes treating more than one area of the home and being prepared for tackling future problems even more cost effective.

“Why pay high prices for one aerosol when people can come to us and get discounts on buying two or more at a time?” says Ray. “There are plenty of offers here, no matter what bugs or flies our customers might have.”

Discount Do It Yourself Pest Control is located in Miami, Florida. They provide a wide range of do it yourself products for eradicating bed bugs, ants, wasps and many more similar nuisances. They have product ranges that are suitable for inside the home as well as outside the home. Many of them also work on several different types of problem infestations. Full details on the whole range of products and what they can be used for can be found on their website at


To find out more about how to get rid of ants, bed bugs and numerous other problem creatures both inside and outside the home, contact Ray Lucas now on (800) 790-5778. You can also email on [email protected] and visit the website for full details on their range of products.

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By killbuug