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Conservatory Suppliers Benefit From GGF Approval

Times continue to be hard for many companies in the home improvement field. Several installers have been forced out of business because of the downturn in the market. But, there are some who have managed to stem the tide and are receiving a credible number of leads and sales, many of whom will be Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) members.
The GGF is a trade association who represent conservatory suppliers who make, supply or fit, glass and glass related products. Our over-riding goal is to ensure that GGF registered members provide a high-quality service to consumers up and down the land. Anyone who fails to show evidence of this potentially runs the risk of losing their membership status.
By passing the GGF’s strict criteria you will be able to display to consumers that you have the level of service required to provide conservatories to a sufficient standard, which may then give them the confidence to employ your services. Those installers who are unable to display the GGF logo on their marketing material may be at a disadvantage to those who are.
Part of our remit is to also try and reduce the amount of conservatory complaints made by property owners against installers. Should any sort of dispute occur between a GGF member and a customer we will offer a free conciliation service to try and ensure that matters are settled satisfactorily, failing which, the matter will be passed onto an impartial ombudsman.
Stand out in a crowded field and make joining the GGF one of your business’s top priorities.

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