Creating A Marketing Platform for Coaches, Professionals is Focus of Upcoming Seminar


Charlotte, NC: Marketing expert and bestselling author Gail Martin of DreamSpinner Communications will present a teleseminar on “Stand Out! Creating Your Platform for Coaches, Consultants and Solopreneurs” on May 20 at Noon, EDT.

The one-hour teleseminar is targeted to the needs and interests of small and start-up businesses. Coaches, consultants, speakers, authors and solopreneurs will find the material particularly relevant.

The program will discuss why a book or a niche market isn’t enough to stand out in today’s marketplace and why an expert needs to create a personal marketing platform.

Participants receive a “Results Checklist” tip sheet handout and an MP3 recording of the program to listen again, time-shift when they listen or listen while traveling.

To register for the May teleclass, visit To register for the Teleseminar series of 12 sessions, visit

CONTACT: DreamSpinner Communications 704-595-9581

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