Crestor- An Effective Treatment for High Cholesterol and Cardio Vascular Diseases


Crestor has been recently acknowledged and approved by the FDA for effectively as one of the best drug for reducing the risk of cardiac infarct (Heart attack), stroke and other cardio vascular diseases. Crestor is rosuvastatin calcium. It is known for its action on LDL cholesterol, lowering its density as well as increasing the good HDL cholesterol. Thus the drug has a significant action in lipid disorders.

Crestor is used for lowering the triglycerides and is opted as a drug of choice for treating patients with high cholesterol level. When the cholesterol level in the blood rises, you are all ways at the risk of atherosclerosis (a condition where there is thickening of arteries due to fat deposits, leading to its narrowing) leading to a heart attack or stroke etc.

Crestor should not be taken if you are pregnant or if you are a nursing mother. Take your medication as prescribed by the physician in the recommended dose. Usually taken once a day, for best results take your daily dose at a fixed time. Take the medicine with a full glass of water. A regular check up with your physician and analyzing your lipid profile is always beneficial. Those allergic to rosuvastatin should inform their doctor before any treatment to avoid complications. People with heart ailment, or kidney or liver disorder, diabetes or thyroid dysfunction should keep their doctor well informed prior to the treatment.

Rosuvastatin is an adjunct treatment program which gives best results when complimented with regular exercise, and diet control. Keeping away from fatty food is always a helping hand on your journey to health. You can buy Crestor online from reliable and reputed pharmaceutical companies like Canamericaglobal for quality drugs and at a reduced price. Take care to store Crestor in room temperature, away from heat and moisture.

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About the author

By Evamorgan