How to Cure a Yeast Infection – Health and Wellness Advice


There are multiple resources you can utilize when it comes to how to cure a yeast infection. These resources provide quick relief and will eliminate your yeast infection in little time!

If you have an oral yeast infection, the most effective cure is eating plain yogurt, adding half a teaspoon of salt to warm water and rinsing your mouth out or adding a drop of tea tree oil and lavender into a half of a cup of water and using like mouthwash. Oral yeast infections can occur in both men and women.

How to cure a yeast infection such as a vaginal yeast infection involves inserting a yogurt covered tampon a couple times a day or applying it to a pad and wearing it throughout the day. Or you can do the same with a few drops of tea tree oil diluted with sweet almond or olive oil.

Skin yeast infections affect men and women. How to cure a yeast infection includes applying garlic paste on the affected area. Another quick remedy is applying honey and rinsing it off after fifteen to twenty minutes. Otherwise, add a cup of vinegar to your bath.

How to cure a yeast infection can be for men only (like women- vaginal yeast infections). Male yeast infections are called penile yeast infections. The top ways on how to cure a yeast infection such as this is to apply yogurt to the affected area and taking vinegar baths.

All in all, no matter what kind of yeast infection you have, yogurt is the best way to get rid of it. How to cure a yeast infection also means following these home remedies a day after your symptoms are gone to ensure yeast infection is cured.

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By KeithBishops80