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Czech Republic Automobile Sector

Automobile sector is an integral and important part of the Czech Republic economy. The geographical proximity of the country with other European countries provides it an inherent advantage for companies to tap the regional automobile market. The largest automobile producer and a major auto exporter in the region, the Czech Republic has sustained its dominant position and will continue to do so in future due to the rising level of investment in automobile sector, says the RNCOS research report “Czech Republic Automobile Sector”. It provides a detailed overview of the automobile industry in the country. The report provides segment-wise analysis of the automobile industry in terms of production, sales, and exports to evaluate the industry at micro level.

The future forecast given in the report helps the client to identify the potential segment(s) and to design market-centric strategies. The report also provides overview of the factors responsible for the growth of automobile industry in the Czech Republic, challenges to be faced, and the opportunities present in the market.

Key Findings

– More than 90% of automobile production in the Czech Republic is exported.
– Cars and LCVs dominate automobile production in the country.
– Sales of used cars have outperformed the sales of new cars in the Czech Republic.
– Passenger car stock is expected to reach 418.5 per 1000 people in the country by 2011.
– Car and LCV sales are expected to increase at a CAGR of 21% from 2008 to 2011.
– Skoda dominates the car & LCV production by accounting for more than 50% of the industry production.
– Motorcycle imports increased by 53% as compared to a 36% rise in sales of new motorcycles from Jan-Sep’ 2006 to Jan-Sep’ 2007.

Key Issues and Facts Analyzed

– Segment-wise overview of sales, production and export of automobiles in the Czech Republic.
– Import analysis of new and second-hand foreign branded cars.
– Factors driving the automobile industry in the Czech Republic.
– Potential obstacles for the industry and recommendations to overcome them.
– Key players operating in the Czech Republic automobile industry.

Research Methodology Used

Information Sources
The information has been compiled from authentic and reliable sources like books, newspapers, trade journals, and white papers, industry portals, government agencies, trade associations, monitoring industry news and developments, and through access to more than 3000 paid databases.

Analysis Method
Methods like historical trend analysis, linear regression analysis using software tools, judgmental forecasting, and cause and effect analysis have been used in the report for a prudent analysis.

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About RNCOS:

RNCOS, incorporated in the year 2002, is an industry research firm. We are a team of industry experts who analyze data collected from credible sources. We provide industry insights and analysis that helps corporations to take timely and accurate business decision in today’s globally competitive environment.

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