Medtronic Sprint Fidelis Defibrillator Recall Lawyers Claim Filing Website


New York: “Medtronic defibrillator lead Patients can access the latest information on the Medtronic Lead Recall from the FDA and submit inquiries about claims for compensation to Medtronic Lead Recall Lawyers at the firm.” Says a Johnson Law firm Attorney. Patients with a defibrillator implanted since September 2004 should reference their implant card or contact their doctor to determine if they are implanted with a defective Sprint Fidelis lead. The Patient ID card for the affected leads should contain one of the following 4 sets of numbers: 6930, 6931, 6948, 6949.

Defibrillators can be life-saving products for patients with a heart rhythm abnormality. On October 15, 2007, Medtronic issued a “voluntary market suspension” to remove its line of Medtronic Sprint Fidelis defibrillation leads from the market. Medtronic stated that the leads are prone to fracturing which can lead to sudden and painful shocks at times and can deliver unnecessary electric jolt.

The FDA has advised patients who have had the Medtronic Sprint Fidelis lead implemented since Sept 2004 should contact their physicians, especially if they have multiple shocks, lightheadedness, fainting or palpitation. The Medtronic Defibrillator Lead replacement surgery is very risky for some patients. However many of these chronic heart patients are dependent on the device.

The Johnson Law Firm is a national law firm at the forefront of defective medical device litigation and is providing complete information on the Medtronic Defibrillator Lead recall at its website. Affected patients can receive complete information regarding the Medtronic Sprint Fidelis Defibrillator Leads recall at the site.

The firm represents clients from across the United States who suffered complications after being implanted with this defective device. The FDA has recently updated the recall notice and it is available at

For further discussion on your legal options you can call our office toll free at 1-866-374-0338.

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By DrHeart