New Diet Program Takes New Approach in Weight Loss


A new downloadable eBook focuses on the power of the mind to shatter old beliefs about food and dieting and usher in a healthy new lifestyle.

A new diet program has been developed by New Jersey based nutrition; exercise and life coach Isabel De Los Rios. According to the author of the eBook The Diet Solution, the plan goes beyond basic diet tips and into the core of a lifestyle makeover. “It helps the dieters transform their eating habits into a life-long strategy. This is not a temporary solution.”

Winning mode

The program distinguishes itself from other diet programs advertised in the market by working on the dieter’s mental will first and foremost. The dieter is encouraged to program their thinking into winning mode. That going on the diet will spell success and nothing else. Leading psychologists worldwide agree that the mind is a major component in the undertaking of endeavor saying that most battles begin and are fought in the head. The Diet Solution Program, by working on this principle, gives dieters the mindset of having achieved success from the get-go.

Lack of willpower

These health experts say that most diets fail because of lack of willpower. They also agree that most types of hunger are brought about only by the mind. In other words, the mind is easily tricked into eating and for most part; it drives individuals to eat unhealthy types of food. Because of the strength of media, forbidden food and other types of junk food are what the body naturally craves in times of hunger, loneliness or depression. These types of food are usually heavy on bad carbs, fat, oils, food coloring, additives and sugar.

The eating psychology

The Diet Program helps the dieter rethink his whole eating psychology. It encourages the dieter to eat more quality food that are packed with nutrients rather than stock up on junk food that does little to the body. The book also provides a metabolic test to guide individuals to their correct dietary guidelines. Working on the principle that there is no universal diet that works for everyone, dieters are made to answer some questions in order to find out his correct metabolic type. They are then made to follow a diet based on their distinct body type.

Changing perspective
The Diet Program is available for download for individuals who are interested to change the way they see eating. It illustrates how important it is to stay within the ideal calorie range while enjoying a wide variety of quality food. Along with a plan specifically designed for each metabolic type, The Diet Program includes exercise videos to complement the new lifestyle.

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By keyrobert22