The Difference between Counseling and Therapy’s


The National Institute of Mental Health suggests a data stating that nearly above fifty million residents from America experienced from a considerable mental disturbance due to stress and anxiety. Among them only ten percentage of people are subjecting themselves for treatment. However, a ratio of 1:5 among the people possibly having the emotional disorder which passed the curable limit from therapy or counseling.


The thing EMDR therapy was considered as an option or method for identifying some personal problems through Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is also determined as a human personal relationship by which the advisor or the counselors los angeles utilize the gathered knowledge which was also experienced by them in their own life to assist you to expand your understanding knowledge in order to make better choices.This helps the counselors to cure them by subjecting them into several experiments.


These therapies are having some options which based on the patients point of view about this world. Usual thinking methods are the reasons for the stress and anxiety experienced daily which results in limited creativity.  While in having a therapy treatment for stress relief, the questions might include the patients thinking, mood and the reactions. If you are in depression or stress then definitely you would experience some negative thoughts such as always need someone’s help to do a thing, continuously worrying about a minor issue and not intend to find a solution, felt as separated with no option to return from etc. in addition, these problems are slightly affecting your personal life, relationships, work, sleeping, eating etc. even there is no improvement while you tried to change yourself.


An efficient los angeles therapy treatment would subject you in an educational method. It was not just as a conversational therapy. It might go further more on guiding actively in order to solve the problems and to live the life, to communicate better with other peoples, and also other improvements to achieve the goal. Usually every problem might be solved if an effort was taken. Once if you feel the change and try in that way to think, act, feel then chances are there for you to change the situation along with proper help and efforts in order to change. offers several counseling information for people who are in need of a good advice through counseling.  People who to know more on EMDR therapy and about the counselors los angeles can visit our website.


Contact Info

1575 Westwood Blvd.

#205 Los Angeles,

CA 90024

Tel: 310-477-8833

Fax: 310-477-8835

About the author

By tania368