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Discovery of New Sub-Stellar Body

June 2009 – An international team of astronomers has found a new object made of sub-stellar bodies located around a main red star. It is being noted that this new form is unlike any other that is currently orbiting around the galaxy, and is expected to open new doors to understanding in astronomy. The specific components that make up this object, as well as the way in which it functions, are expected to bring in new concepts to the field of star studies.

The sub-stellar body that was discovered in astronomy was founded by a set of individuals working at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK. The object they have found is in orbit around Wolf 940, a red dwarf star. It is suspected that this body is an average of 40 light years away from earth. They have found that the object has a temperature of 300 degrees Celsius and is about the same size as Jupiter. However, it has a dense mass, which is at an estimated 20 – 30 times heavier then that of Jupiter which has given it the main designation as a brown dwarf star.

There are two main components that are helping this specific object to stand apart from others. The first is that it was found orbiting a red star, which makes it different then most brown dwarf objects while creating an unique set of attributes to its overall function. The second main aspect that is setting this particular object apart is that the primary star that it is orbiting around is used to find out the unique aspects of this star, as well as what is setting it apart from the other brown dwarf objects. This is helping to determine the overall structure of the brown star that is orbiting it, as well as the attributes that are a part of this.

Not only is the new ability to discover the brown dwarf attributes being noted through the main star, but it is also suspected that more in depth studies of brown dwarfs can be defined by this. Because most brown dwarfs are not as easy to categorize, it makes it difficult for those in astronomy to have the correct classifications. However, using the Wolf 940 red star, is one that is suspected to open the doors for those in astronomy and to allow new studies to be available to the field.

With the discovery of the sub-stellar body into the field of astronomy, are suspected discoveries that will work toward the benefit of those interested in brown dwarfs and the functioning of alternative objects. The object recently discovered, now named Wolf 940B after its counterpart red star, is one that is suspected to open into new horizons for astronomy and those that are interested in finding more about the function of these types of objects.

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