Dr. Kim Loos Uses Social Media to Help Families for the Holidays


Keeping up with the Joneses in Silicon Valley, cosmetic dentist Dr. Kimberly Loos has embraced technology and social media. Social media has been effective as a means of interacting and building relationships with patients and the community. During this holiday season, Dr. Loos has been able to drive traffic to her website to inform readers about her office’s annual canned food drive with the Second Harvest Food Bank, one of the nation’s largest distributors of food for those in need. Her social media presence on Facebook and Twitter has expanded her reach, resulting in increased awareness and Dr. Loos’s most successful food drive yet.

Dr. Loos reached her goal of collecting one hundred pounds of food, double what she had collected during last year’s food drive. Many people opened up their hearts during these tough times and donated to Dr. Loos’s food drive, either at her office or through online donations at www.drloos.com/candrive. By giving people a route to donate online, Dr. Loos was able to raise one hundred dollars in addition to the hundred pounds of food.

Thanks to frequent updates reaching hundreds of followers through Twitter and Facebook, Dr. Loos achieved her goal just in time to provide families with meals for the holidays. These social media efforts played a crucial role in boosting traffic to the website for information on the food drive. During the food drive, Twitter was the top referral site for visits to the Dr. Loos website. Also during the month, the term “Dr. Loos can drive” became the number one keyword leading people to her website. Utilizing Facebook and Twitter to spread the word allowed their dental practice to receive many generous donations. To stay updated on events at Dr. Loos’s office, like the food drive and upcoming visits to local schools, follow Dr. Loos on Twitter (http://Twitter.com/DrLoos) and Facebook (http://bit.ly/DrLoosFacebook). For more information on the Second Harvest Food Bank, or to find out how to donate, visit their website (http://www.shfb.org/).

About Dr. Loos
Dr. Kimberly Loos, www.drloos.com, is a family and cosmetic dentist in San Jose, California. Her dental office offers a wide variety of dental services including a complimentary dental screening for new patients. Dr. Loos offers a range of aesthetic and restorative dental services to enhance her patients’ appearance and give them the smile they deserve.

For press inquiries, please contact Demi Tetrault, Polar Design, [email protected]

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By PolarDesign